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Third Sunday of Lent Bulletin - March 20, 2022


Mass Intentions for Third Week of Lent

Tuesday, March 22 at 6:00 p.m.

50th Wedding Anniversary Blessings to Donald & Lois Aydt

Wednesday, March 23 at 8:00 a.m.

†Pauline Kaufman

Thursday, March 24 at 8:00 a.m.

††Gene & Monica Frey

†Tina Anselment

Deceased Family of Roman & Mary Reyling

Mass Intentions for Fourth Sunday of Lent ~ Laetare Sunday

Saturday, March 26 at 5:00 p.m.

All Parish Family

Sunday, March 27 at 8:30 a.m.

†Floann Mitchell

†Bill Anselment

†Jack Reyling

We the parishioners of St. John the Baptist,

brothers and sisters in Christ, accept as our mission:

to know our faith and share it with others, to continue to grow spiritually with respect for the sacraments, to celebrate the liturgy and the Holy Eucharist as the center of our Christian life, to live by truth and love, to serve those in need, to teach by example, and thereby strengthen and inspire our Parish family in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church.

Office Hours Week of March 21

Tuesday through Friday

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

12:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Visit Parish Website For

Bulletins: New & Old


Photo Gallery

Monthly Ministry List

Collection March 12-13

Envelopes (47) $3,388

Loose $ 53

Youth (3) $ 3

CSMA 2022 Appeal (3) $ 450

Black & Indian Mission (1) $ 20

One Strong (1) $ 100

Mass Intentions (13) $ 150

SJN Cemetery (12) In Memory

of Mary J. Karcher $ 385

Total $4,549

Your financial support remains an important part of our Parish life and helps us keep going. Please continue giving your time, talent, and treasure at this difficult time. Please mail, drop-off your offering in collection box or in the mailbox by Parish office front door.

Watch bulletin for more details.


  • 20: PSR Classes 9:30 a.m.

  • 25: Piopolis Hall One Strong Youth Fish Fry 5:00-7:00 p.m.

  • 27: Baptism after Mass of Luke Hutcheson son of Lee & Danielle (Rapp) Hutcheson

  • 27: PSR Classes 9:30 a.m.


  • 1: Visit for Sacrament of Penance & Eucharist for sick and homebound. Contact office for appointment.

  • 1: Piopolis Hall Social Committee Fish Fry 5:00-7:00 p.m.

  • 3: Baptism after Mass of Ellaretta Hofinger daughter of Clint & Sarah (Aydt) Hopfinger

  • 3: PSR Classes 9:30 a.m.

  • 3: St. Elizabeth's Altar Sodality Meeting 9:30 am in hall.

  • 4: Holy Name Meeting 7:00 p.m. Refreshments Dennis Frey & Kenny Grubb

  • 5: Lenten Penance Service 6:00 p.m. Second priest available.

  • 10: Easter Egg Hunt right after Mass

  • 10: PSR Classes 9:30 a.m.

  • 10: One Strong Youth Senior Appreciation Breakfast 9:30 a.m.

  • 17: No PSR Classes

  • 24: First Communion Class First Reconciliation after Mass

  • 24: Last Day for PSR Classes 9:30 a.m.

  • 27: East Vicariate Priest Meeting - Enfield


  • 1: First Communion - Following Mass will be a Doughnut Breakfast for all Parish in hall.

  • 6: Visit for Sacrament of Penance & Eucharist for sick and homebound. Contact office for appointment.

  • 8: Good Shepherd Sunday ~ World Day of Prayers for Vocations ~ Happy Mother's Day


  • Beginning Ash Wednesday, March 1, masks will be optional at Mass and all liturgical celebrations.

  • Churches may be at 100% capacity.

  • Hymnals, votive candles and holy water may all be in use.

  • Liturgical Ministers - greeters, ushers, gift bears and servers - may resume their regular roles.

  • Ministers of Holy Communion are required to wear masks during the distributing of Communion and to sanitize hands (before and after distribution).

  • Congregational singing, choirs, and instrumentalists are allowed.

  • Processions may resume and continue.

  • The Sign of Peace: It will be the decision of the individual worshipers as to how they will offer the sign of peace. There are various ways to extend sign of peace by gesture.

  • Holy Communion: For the foreseeable future, Holy Communion will remain only under the form of the consecrated HOST. Communion on the tongue will be permitted, but it is recommended that those wishing to receive in this manner present themselves at the end of Communion procession.

  • Baptism, Confirmation, & Anointing of Sick: At this time, the use of cotton swabs or cotton balls for anointing should continue.

  • After every Mass (daily and weekly), it is still required that chalices and patens be washed with soap and water. The vassals must first be purified by the priest, deacon or instituted acolyte after the distribution of Communion or after Mass. At the conclusion of Mass, after purification, the chalices and patens should be take to the sacristy and washed with soap and water.

  • Pastoral visits may resume with caution in cooperation with facility and county guidelines.

  • Funeral Lunches, Meetings, Social Events, Fish Frys, & Parish Festivals: Capacity may be 100% of area/building space. If serving food, food safety precautions must continue to be maintained per the local county health department. Staff and volunteers serving food are highly encouraged to wear masks and gloves.

  • PSR, RCIA, bible study, youth groups, retreats, meeting, etc. masks are optional.


After Mass in Parish Hall. Book: Acts of the Apostles. If you would like a copy of the book, contact the office. Cost is $10.


New officers will be elected at our April 3 meeting. If you or someone you know would be interested in becoming an officer, please contact any officer or call Rachel at the parish office. We still have cookbooks left. They are $15 each and are available in Parish office.


In Bangladesh, cyclones and other natural disasters are increasing, destroying farms, home and more, making it difficult for people like Noornobi to earn a living and support their families. But Noornobi has learned new techniques to protect his land and income, enabling his niece and nephew to go to school. How can you care for creation to help the planet and our global family. Visit to learn more. Rice Bowls located at each door.



March 20 - Teresa Wellen/Carol Bernard

March 27 - One Strong Youth Group

April 3 - Holy Name Society


These were handed out to youth in PSR class on September 19, available on Parish website, in High School classroom on bulletin board, & posted on One Strong and PSR Facebook page. You can also click links below to view them.


Larry Hunt

Marie Hopkins

James Frey

Bob Wilson

Kent Karcher

Paul & Helen Wellen

Mary Karcher

Reminder: Due to federal privacy laws, we are not allowed to list people or visit who are sick or in the nursing home without written authorization from that individual or from their immediate family who has authorization. Form can be requested from the office.


Please contact office for funerals and baptisms. For weddings contact office six months before.

2022 CSMA GOAL $10,630

Pledge-to-Date $1,798

On behalf of Bishop Michael McGovern and diocesan ministries and programs, a most heartfelt thanks to all those who have already responded with a gift to The 2022 Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal. If you have not done so as yet, there’s still plenty of time. One-time donations or pledges – in any amount – are needed and can be made through your parish or at (click on “Giving to the Diocese”). Your generosity supports 17 agencies and programs that daily serve thousands of people. Please consider making your gift today or at any time you are able in the coming months. We also ask for your prayers for the success of this year’s appeal and all those we serve. Thank you and may God bless you always.


Collection ~ March 26-27

CRS is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. The agency alleviates suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion, or nationality. Most recently CRS was on the ground in Ukraine, providing safe shelter, hot meals, hygiene supplies, fuel to keep warm, transport to safe areas, counseling support and more. Next weekend we will take up a collection for CRS so they may continue their work to help those in need around the globe. To learn more go to


  • Weekly bulletins

  • Living Faith Books (January-March) & Books are located at each door in church.


March 26 - In Person Meeting

Meeting includes all information for all those who plan to go.

For more information contact, Shelly Sands at


Office of Worship Director

Deadline March 25

Tribunal Administrative Assistant

Deadline March 31

What is Synodality?

Throughout this process, we hear the words: Synod, Synodality, and Synodal process. What do these words mean? Do they mean the same thing? A helpful short definition of the Synod of Bishops is a gathering of bishops that 1. Fosters closer unity between the bishops and Pope 2. Provides counsel to the Pope on matters of faith and morals, and discipline of the Church 3. Studies questions concerning the Church in the world. For more information go to

Synod – What is it?

Synod is a Greek word (synodos) meaning a meeting or assembly. The two Greek words that make up Synod are syn meaning together and hodos meaning way or journey. The entire Catholic Church is called to participate in the upcoming Synod of Bishops! The upcoming Synod is entitled: “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.” You can participate in the Synod process, simply by answering few questions from Pope Francis.

Synod – Topics/Questions

Here are the questions: A Synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together.” How is this “journeying together” happening in your parish today? How is the Holy Spirit inviting your parish community to grow in “journeying together”? Jesus Christ – What is there about Jesus that draws me to him? What is there about Jesus that makes an impression on me? What is there about Jesus that I would like to share with my family, my neighbors, and the wider community? The Church – What is there about the Church that draws me closer to the Lord and to other people? In the coming years, what are my hopes for the Church that will help to draw me closer to Christ? Reflect and Pray on these important topics/questions to ready yourself. When you are ready to reflect please go to and fill out online form. Your responses will be added to our Diocesan report that will be submitted to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in June 2022. The deadline to complete this survey is Sunday, May 29, 2022.

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