Harold Trausch & Family Country Auction
Saturday, August 20 - 9:30 A.M.
One Strong Youth Group will be selling concessions.
Complete List and Pictures @Auctionzip.com
After 90 years of living on this farm, Harold Trausch and Family will sell their personal items, at auction. LOCATION: 6545 County Road 1800N, Dahlgren, IL 62828. From McLeansboro, IL, take IL Highway 242 North approx 6 miles, (from Exit 100 on Interstate 64, take IL 242 South, 6 miles). Turn West on Piopolis Road and proceed 1.2 miles. Turn South on County Road 775E and proceed 1 mile. Turn West on Co Rd 1800N and proceed to auction site. Watch for signs.
1800's Log cabin to be removed by successful bidder. Log cabin is approx 15 ft. wide x 15 ft. long x 8 ft. tall. Successful bidder is responsible for removal and must supply insurance information. Successful bidder will need to sign contract for removal, stating they will not hold owners and auctioneer responsible for accidents.
1966, John Deere 2510 Tractor, gas engine, Ser# 008375R, 3862 Hours, Syncro Shift; 6 ft. Sickle mower; Gin pole; Tractor blade; Sub-soiler; Poulan Pro riding mower; 2- Troy-bilt walk behind tillers; Yard roller; IH Tractor belt pulley; 2- Overhead fuel tanks w/stands; Cub Cadet 108 Lawn tractor; TOOLS: Blacksmith post drill & forge; Singer commercial treadle sewing machine; Blacksmith made tongs, hay hooks & broad axe; OTC Hydraulic press; Craftsman floor drill press; Baldor bench grinder; 2- Large vises; Lincoln 225 elec. Welder; 14" cut off saw; Elec. Hand drills & grinders; Schummacher battery charger; Craftsman & Stanley hand planes; Oxygen & Acet. Bottles & cart; Oxweld cutting torches; Roto Tool air rotary grinder; Pneumatic air impacts; Sev. Log chains & boomers; C-clamps; Pry bars; Hand tools incl: Wizard, S-K, and Craftsman; Garden tools incl: axes, rakes, shovels, pitch forks; Hand saws & squares; Propane torch set; Sledge hammers; Gas & Kerosene cans; Alum. John boat;
H & R Model 950, 5 ½", 22 cal revolver w/box; Stevens Model 940, 12 ga, 36" Single Shotgun; Ithaca Model 300, 12 ga, semi-auto Shotgun, Ser#S7104208; “White Powder Wonder” 12 ga, Single Shotgun; Stevens “Crackshot” 22 cal Rifle; Remington Model 552, 22 cal Rifle, Ser# 1849706; Sev. Older shotgun boxes; 2-Empty H & R Revolver boxes; Etienne 1872 Rifle bayonet w/scabbard; KNIVES: Case, 2 blade, Stag Hunter, Ser# 5265SS; Keen Kutter barlow style; Rostfrel Auto 1 blade; Buck 301, 3 blade; Kutmaster 3 blade; COINS: 1923 & 1924 “Peace” silver dollars; Pope Celestine III Silver coin; 8- Buffalo nickels; 1923 Walking Liberty ½ dollar; Silver dimes, quarters & halves; Clad quarters; 1976 Kennedy halves; George Wallace coin; 1947 Marine Corp. Coin; POCKET WATCHES: Elgin 17 jewel, Ser# 20080213; NY standard, Ser# 581375; Moody 17 jewel, Ser# 1295801; Jean Cardot; Bulls Eye; and Several wrist watches.
Oak Wardrobe; Wood “Empire” style table; 3- Iron beds; Sev. Wooden bedroom chests; Hoosier & Straight front kitchen cabinets; Curio cabinet; Sev. Cast iron stoves; Pot belly stove; Old Maytag Wringer washers; Primitive chair; Sev. Wooden trunks incl: Johann Peters 1882; Smoker’s stand; COLLECTIBLES: Sev. CI skillets incl: #14 Griswald; Sev. Granite items incl: Roasters, canners, dish pans, coffee pots, pots & dippers; Stoneware incl: #10 Crock; #3 Crock, w/star; #3 Western churn; Green depression; Comic; Fire King glassware; Alum. Pitcher & glasses set; Dairy Brand tin; Raley Bros. Oil can; American Family scale; Kerosene lamps incl: Aladdin; Vintage Santa suit; Medicine bottles; Metal egg crate; Superman pencil box; Harley Davidson & “The Enthusiast” magazines; Steel wheels; CI & Copper boilers; Marine uniform & leggings; Quit top; Adjust-o-matic dress form; Child’s wooden walker; Wooden barrel; Krack-R-Jack Biscuits tin; Sev. Galv. Wash tubs, pails, coal bucket, watering can & dippers; Alum water dippers & pans; Enterprise sausage stuffer; 2- Enterprise meat grinders; Cow bell; Broad axes; Butter churn tops; Cobbler set; Indian rock scrapper; Butcher Knives; Vintage cooler; Post cards; Marbles; CI Items; Homebrew bottles and lots of smalls.
Auctioneers Note: Walking onto this farm is like walking back in time, to a more simpler era. Join us for this fun Country Auction. Possible that we will be running 2 Auction Rings. For security reasons, items have been removed and will return back to the farm for the auction. Furniture to sell at 12:00 noon. TERMS: Cash or check w/proper I.D. All State & Federal gun laws apply. Guns will not be available for inspection until the morning of auction. Must have Illinois Foid Card or FFL to buy any firearms or ammo. Restroom on site. Lunch will be served by “One Strong” Youth Group. View terms and items online at www.auctionzip.com, keyword -18934. Illinois Auctioneer license number 040000510. Any announcements day of auction take precedence over printed matter.