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PSR Begins August 22

The 2021-22 PSR School year is fast approaching. Start date will be August 22 at 9:30 am. PSR is open to all Parish children Pre-K - 12. Pre-K starts at age 4 and they must be potty trained. Registration forms are available at the entrance of the church or click on the link below. Please fill one out for each of your students and return them to the folder where you got them. Forms can be emailed to you and they are available to download from the parish website.

Pre-K - we are anticipating a large group for this class. If there are any parents who can help Rachel Hopfinger teach this class please let Megan know so I can get you the forms to fill out to be certified by the Diocese of Belleville. The classes required are all online.

Contact Megan Woodrow at 618-838-4430 or quickly so you can be certified by the time class starts or if you have any other questions.

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